Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

I saw George Carlin the other night talking about American's over-consumerism and how obedient we've become to the incessant lure of the mall and the shiny things that we're told will make us better people. Could he be on to something?

I'm not sure how that glamorous Cindy Crawford sofa helps promote self-actualization or how having the perfect collection of Vera Wang's latest fashions from Kohl's will make my life complete but I know it has to have something to do with it, right? It wouldn't be on TV if it weren't true.

Have I been hood-winked?
Sold a bill of goods?
Could I be one of the obedient herd marching mindlessly to the mall every week?

Looking around at my bulging closets, drawers stuffed with things I never wear and three attics full of sentimentality, I'm afraid the answer is all too clear...I'm a bamboozled-hood-winked-bill-of-goods-owning- mindless-herd-marcher. Oh no!!

So how do I live my life "above the influence"? I'm pledging to try something old-fashioned. It's something that is stressed over and over again in Home Staging; living with less and getting rid of the clutter. Novel idea!

There is an interesting chapter about this very subject in a book called, "Professional Dreamer" by ghalil (www.professionaldreamer.com). She calls the process clearing and here is what she says, "Think of this act of clearing as your ritual of commitment, a commitment to welcome something new and better into your life. Here, you're taking a small step of letting go and burning the bridges that bind you to the same old way of being day in and day out."

I'm always ready to welcome something new and better into my life. Possibly freedom or joy or simplicity? I'm starting today and I'd love for you to add the ritual of clearing to your day too. Maybe the journey that begins with a single step doesn't need 30 pairs of shoes?

Dropping out of the parade....